Aggregate by Attributes

Aggregates records or features according to specified parameters.

 Available in XTools Pro for ArcMap

The “Aggregate by Attributes” tool is meant for aggregation of records or features according to specified parameters.


The following aggregation functions are available:

First — the first element in the group

Prefix: first_

Records in the group are organized by ObjectID field, if it is available in the data source.  

Last — the last element in the group

Prefix: last_

Records in the group are organized by ObjectID field, if it is available in the data source.

Count — number of records in the group whose current field value is not equal NULL

Prefix: count_

Sum – sum of elements in the group

Prefix: sum_

The parameter can be applied to the numeral fields only.

Average – average value of elements in the group

Prefix: avg_

The parameter can be applied to the numeral fields only.

Minimum – minimum element value in the group.

Prefix: min_

Maximum – maximum element value in the group.

Prefix: max_

Variance – element variance in the group.

Prefix: var_

Output field type: double.

The parameter can be applied to the numeral fields only.

Standard deviation – standard deviation of elements in the group.

Prefix: dev_;

Output field type: double

The parameter can be applied to the numeral fields only. 

Geometry aggregation

Following "Geometry aggregation" types can be set for resulting data:

Multipart - this is the default value is set, it means that aggregated features will be grouped into multipart features.

No geometry - resulting data will have no geometry.

Convex Hull - a convex hull will be built for resulting data. If this value is selected, the "Buffer Size" field is activated. To set the Buffer Size for a hull, please, input a value not equal to null, into the "Buffer Size" field. Null is the default value of the Buffer Size. Null Buffer Size means unchanged hull size. The Buffer Size units are the units of a selected layer. If the "Buffer Size" value is positive (more than null), the hull will exceed its normal size for the amount, indicated in the Buffer Size field. If the "Buffer Size" value is negative (more than null), the hull will be less than its normal size for the amount, indicated in the Buffer Size field. The Buffer Size may have not only integral values but also decimal fraction values.

Polyline - input point features will be aggregated and grouped into polylines.

Polygon - input point or polyline features will be aggregated and grouped into polygons.