Find Dataset in Catalog

Allows to quickly find in Catalog datasets for the layers and tables selected in the table of contents in ArcMap.
Available in XTools Pro for ArcMap and for ArcGIS Pro
The new tiny feature allows to quickly find in Catalog datasets for the items (layers, tables) selected in the table of contents in ArcMap.
When working with maps with lots of layers it may difficult to find the necessary datasets in Catalog. It may be time consuming as well. The Find in Catalog tool opens Catalog dockable window in ArcMap and navigates to the selected layer's data source. If Catalog is not open at the moment its window is added with the found location open. Then in Catalog it's possible to view datasets properties and description and perform other operations with found datasets.
Select one of the elements in the TOC window (e.g. layer or table), then in the XTools Pro menu or in the element's context menu select Find in Catalog. The Catalog dockable window will appear with the requested dataset location open.