I would like to

Follow these steps

  1. Download XTools Pro installer.
  2. Install XTools Pro. Here is how to install XTools Pro.
  3. Get Trial activation key. To get your Trial license activation key follow this link. Note that you need to be signed in to get the activation key. Here is how to sign in.
  4. Activate your XTools Pro license with the obtained key. Here is how to activate single, trial or free license.
  5. Prepare XTools Pro extension for use
    1. How to activate XTools Pro in ArcMap
    2. How to customize XTools Pro toolbar
  1. Download XTools Pro installer.
  2. Install. Here is how to install XTools Pro 24.
  3. Get XTools Pro activation key. Provided XTools Pro versions are Trial, Single, Corporate, Academic, Global), and Free.
    1. To get activation key for Trial license follow this link. Note that you need to be signed in to get the activation key. Here is how to sign in
    2. To get activation key for Single license, go to “Buy” page and proceed to buy Single license. After the purchase you will find your Single license activation key on "My licenses" page.
    3. To get activation key for Corporate, Academic or Global license, go to “Buy” page, scroll down to “Need Unlimited Number of Users?” section, click “Request for proposal” and submit the appeared form. Please take into account that usually there is the time difference between our places of location, so you may expect the response of our sales manager next day maximum (excluding week-ends and public holidays). Follow the instructions in the obtained letter.
    4. To get activation key for Free license you need to activate Trial license first (see section a. above) and use all XTools Pro features for 14 days. At the end of the trial period you will see a message box suggesting either buying full functional XTools Pro license or switching to free license. Select "Switch to free license". You'll be redirected to this website. Note that you need to be signed in to get the activation key.
  4. Activate your XTools Pro license with the obtained key
    1. Here is how to activate Single, Trial or Free license.
    2. Here is how to activate Corporate, Academic or Global license.
  5. Prepare XTools Pro extension for use
    1. Here is how to activate XTools Pro in ArcMap.
    2. Here is how to customize XTools Pro toolbar.

Single license allows to install and use XTools Pro on one computer. At that, you may install XTools Pro on your desktop and laptop and apply one Single license for both installations (but not at a time).  

How to buy Single license: 

  1. Go to “Buy” page of the xtools.pro website. Select the number of Single licenses you need and click “Proceed”. 
  2. Review your Single license order. At this step you may want to change the number of licenses and maintenance expiration dates. When done, click “Proceed to checkout”. 
  3. You will be redirected to the payment provider page. Complete all the required fields and select to pay your order. Supported payment providers and payment methods
  4. As soon as your payment is successfully processed and received, you will find your Single license key on the “My licenses” page of xtools.pro website. Note that you need to be signed in to access “My licenses” page. 

If you have 18 or more users for XTools Pro, please consider either Corporate, Academic, or Global license. 

How to buy Corporate, Academic, or Global license: 

  1. Go to “Buy” page of the xtools.pro website. 
  2. Scroll down to “Need XTools Pro for Unlimited Number of Users?” section, see license descriptions and contact us by email sales@xtools.pro.
  3. Please take into account that usually there is the time difference between our places of location, so you may expect the response of our sales manager next day maximum (excluding week-ends and public holidays).

Annual maintenance replaces purchasing upgrades between versions, so purchasing maintenance and staying current on maintenance is the only way to have access to all newer XTools Pro versions, no matter major or minor.    

  1. If you want to renew your maintenance period, go to “My licenses” page of the xtools.pro website. Note that you need to be signed in to access “My licenses” page. Here is how to sign in
  2. Click “Buy maintenance”. 
  3. Change maintenance expiration dates for the required licenses, then click “Proceed to checkout”. 
  4. You will be redirected to the payment provider page. Complete all the required fields and select to pay your order. Supported payment providers and payment methods
  5. As soon as your payment is successfully processed and received, your XTools Pro maintenance renewal info, containing new expiration date, and the license key for current XTools Pro version will be available on "My licenses" page.

Annual maintenance replaces purchasing upgrades between versions, so purchasing maintenance and staying current on maintenance is the only way to have access to all newer XTools Pro versions, no matter major or minor.  

  1. The notification saying that your maintenance period is about to expire soon is sent by the XTools Pro sales manager two times for Corporate/Academic customers (two weeks and one week before the maintenance expiration date) and one time for Global customers (one month before the maintenance expiration date). 
  2. If you want to renew your maintenance, inform us about the preferred payment method (either wire transfer or secure online payment) and provide us with valid contact and billing details to prepare formal quote and payment instructions. List of supported payment providers and payment methods
  3. As soon as your payment is successfully processed and received, the XTools Pro maintenance renewal info, containing new expiration date, and the license key for current XTools Pro version will be forwarded to the provided email.

Be aware that unlike full functional Single XTools Pro license, not all XTools Pro tools are available with Free license. 

  1. To Get activation key for Free license you need to activate Trial license first
  2. Use all XTools Pro features for 14 days. 
  3. At the end of the trial period you will see a message box suggesting either buying full functional XTools Pro license or switching to free license. Select "Switch to free license" option. 
  4. You'll be redirected to xtools.pro website. Note that you need to be signed in to get the activation key.   
  5. Activate your Free XTools Pro license with the obtained key. Here is how to activate Free license.

XTools Pro for ArcGIS Pro is a part of XTools Pro product and is available with XTools Pro Single, Corporate, Academic or Global licenses.

Thus, to be able to use XTools Pro tools and features in ArcGIS Pro:

  1. Download and install XTools Pro for ArcGIS Pro.
  2. If you have a registered installation of XTools Pro for ArcMap, XTools Pro for ArcGIS Pro will automatically recognize your XTools Pro license and the tools will become available for use.
  3. If you have only XTools Pro for ArcGIS Pro, activate it with a trial or paid license key (please note, there are no free tools in XTools Pro for ArcGIS Pro).

Featured Video

In this video you will see 10 reasons why you may need to use the XTools Pro Catalog in ArcGIS Pro.

XTools Pro Catalog is a dual-pane data manager for ArcGIS Pro. It brings benefits of the dual-pane file managers to spatial data management in ArcGIS.

User manual for ArcMap:

User manual for ArcGIS Pro:

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